About Revolve porous bodies

Revolve Performance Art Days is an annual festival for performance art. This year’s festival - Revolve porous bodies celebrates the ongoing exchange between our bodies, our identities and our surroundings.


What happens if we let ideas of solid entities, sharp categories and graspability slip out of our hands, out of our minds? What are the leaky connections that take place here and now in the meeting between materials, ideas, surfaces and spatialities? What spillages, loose threads, and ghosts linger in the space after the meeting?

The performances of this year’s festival have in common a desire to disrupt and defy limitations of definitions in favour of a certain boundlessness. Artistic processes are often nomadic, evolving through inhabiting many different places, bringing an emotional landscape in contact with many others, each time changing. This process of mutual transformation continues in the encounter with the emotional landscape of each audience member.


Salad Hilowle (SE)
Naledi Majola (ZA)
Nazar Rakhmanov (RU/EU)
Stina Ehn (SE)
Oda Brekke (NO/SE)
Wezile Harmans (ZA)
Jenny Sunesson (SE)

Dansprojektåret, Region Uppsala folkhögskola (SE)
Småkonstnärer (UA/SE)


Rebecka Wigh Abrahamsson, Uppsala art museum
Kajsa Wadhia and Karina Sarkissova, Köttinspektionen Dans

Organizers and collaboration partners

Revolve porous bodies is organised and curated by Köttinspektionen dans and Uppsala Art Museum in collaboration with Region Uppsala and the Dance project year at Region Uppsala folkhögskola.
