Mourad Kouri

The Treshold Stage

March 9 –April 22, 2019

Mourad Kouri examines how architecture and specifically art spaces harbour ideologies. In the installation The Threshold Stage, the exhibition room has a bare and seemingly objective appeal. Industrial materials refer to a publicness, regulated by legislations concerning accessibility and security. A line can be traced further back to the Agora – the square in ancient Greek cities where direct democracy was practiced. The installation looks back at the ideals of the past, but also depicts a dystopic future that perhaps is already our present? Kouri’s Threshold Stage points towards the coulisse effect that can be found in art and concepts such as democracy.

Mourad Kouriis the recipient of the 2018 and 2019 Uppsala Municipal Award Grant for Newly Graduated Visual Artists, with a one year’s studio space in the Hospitalet studio association.
