Tyra Kleen - A Constant Searcher

Experience the most comprehensive presentation of Tyra Kleen so far. 12, 2024–February 23, 2025

Sportlov på konstmuseet

Här har vi samlat tips och aktiviteter för dig som vill besöka oss under sportlovet. Varmt välkommen!

The collection

Discover the collection at Uppsala Art Museum, with more than 14,000 works of art and design.

Museum Shop

The Museum Shop offers a carefully selected range of top-quality design and craft products.

Café & Bar

Why not have lunch, coffee or afternoon tea at our cosy café and bar at Uppsala Art Museum!

Opening Hours

Tuesday–Wednesday: 11:00–17:00
Thursday: 11:00–20:00
Friday–Sunday: 11:00–17:00

Café · Bar

Tuesday–Wednesday: 11:00–17:00
Thursday: 11:00–21:00
Friday–Sunday: 11:00–17:00


+46 (0)18 727 24 82


Uppsala Castle, entrance E
Drottning Christinas väg 1E
SE-752 37 Uppsala

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