Revolve Performance Art Days

12–13 May 2017

Programme (PDF, 342 KB)

33 hours of Performance Art. The festival Revolve moves, in a circular pattern, between different locations in the city: the art museum, the park, the street, the concert house, the bus and the theatre stage. The encounter between the artist, the audience and the different spaces becomes active elements of the art event.

Revolve aims at bringing together a richness of performative expressions and artistic strategies allowing them to enhance, affect and collide with one another. Welcome to take part in an intense festival, rotating and revolving around art as event, experience and gathering.

Revolve Performance Art Days is organised by Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, Köttinspektionen Dans and Gustaf Broms in collaboration with Royal College of Art, London.

William Basinski (US)
Gustaf Broms (SE) & Nigel Rolfe (IRL)
Ingri Fiksdal (NO)
Leif Holmstrand (SE)
Steffani Jemison (US) & Justin Hicks (US)
Essi Kausalainen (FI)
Performance Pathway, students from Royal College of Art (UK)

Tove Salmgren & Kajsa Wadhia, Köttinspektionen Dans. 
Rebecka Wigh Abrahamsson & Patric Kiraly, Uppsala Art Museum in collaboration with Uppsala Konsert & Kongress.
Gustaf Broms in collaboration with Royal College of Art, London. 

This festival has been made possible by the generous support of the Uppsala Municipality Cultural Committee, Culture and Education Uppsala Region, Sensus and Nordic Cultural Point.

Special support to Ingri Fiksdal and Shadows of tomorrow, Norsk Kulturråd, Program for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

Visiting address: Strandbogatan 3

Uppsala konstmuseum/Uppsala Art Museum 
Visiting address: Uppsala slott, ingång E

Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
Visiting address: Vaksala torg 1



